IT’S JUNE! As a teacher I love June! It is typically a month of reflection and rejuvenation. Also a time when I start to prioritize what it is I want to accomplish during the summer. That will prepare me for the next school year.
June 2018 Geology Topographic Map Lesson
June of 2018 is a little different in that I am starting my teacher store. And website to share what I have created over 23+ years of teaching with other teachers across the country. This is a time of extreme excitement for me. Also a time when I am putting forth great effort to professionally recreate geology lessons that have worked so well in the classroom.
Geology worksheet Printables
The biggest question right now is: what should be completed first? Should I continue to complete the topographic map lessons I have already started? Or should I diversify and pick other favorite activities across new geology topics? My conclusion at the moment is to demonstrate the broad spectrum of geology lessons I have to offer, so I am temporarily branching out to make projects on a host of topics in the field of geology. Geologic time, igneous rocks and volcanoes are among some of my favorites (although, it is very difficult to pick just one favorite geology field J). My students continually tease me about saying how this next subject we are learning is a favorite- truthfully, they all are.
Right now, the learning curve is steep! Setting up a web site, learning new programs, writing a blog…. It is taking even more time than expected to complete everything that is needed to open a store. Even so, the passion I feel for my career is stronger than it has ever been and the feeling of pride for being able to share my efforts with others is indescribable. Stay tuned as more and more geology lessons are posted. It is my intention to add astronomy activities as well over time. Follow me and join in with the passion of teaching!