It is September again and it has been a wonderful start to the school year. The students are excited to be in person. They are getting to see their friends as well as getting a fresh start for the school year. I, too, am very happy to see their smiling faces and welcome their energy into my classroom. We have started our learning in Geology with topographic maps. Learning to interpret and draw contour lines is a challenging topic for many students, however, the topographic maps provided on my TpT store help students practice these skills. Map reading, just like playing a musical instrument or competitive sport, takes practice. My Topographic Map Bundle includes 9 topographic maps ranging in skill level from easy to difficult. With each map students label the elevation of contour lines, starting from a lake or bench mark, draw a topographic profile as well as calculate vertical exaggeration for the profile. In addition to a range of difficulty levels, each map has a “retake” version that starts with a different contour interval and/or starting elevation to provide additional practice for students of all skill levels. If a bundle of topographic maps is not what you are looking for, then each map can be purchased individually with the same “retake” option.
I am finding myself reenergized for teaching this September and I hope that the same is true for all teachers across the country.
Happy back to school!