School has started!
Life completely changes once I go back to school; as it does for every teacher. There’s grading, goal setting, parent contacts, department meetings, and lab preparation. With everything, we have to juggle as teachers. It is so nice to have reliable, well-made activities in your bag of tricks that are ready to go.
Ready to go Earth Science Activities
The topographic map activities available on my TpT website are a perfect set of worksheets to have ready to go for your earth science or geology classes. Topographic maps are a wonderful way to teach critical thinking skills. Additionally, with these activities, the difficulty level can be selected for a specific class or specific students.
By purchasing the bundle of topographic map worksheets you can start off using a simple map, such as Lake Pike, and then gradually increase the difficulty level to a map such as Hornet Creek. Once students learn the basics of drawing and interpreting topographic maps, “the Island” can be introduced as an anchor assessment or unit project.
Earth Sciences Worksheets Lesson
This activity is also differentiated to accommodate students of multiple skill levels. Having activities for earth science and geology is a great way to inspire students to do the best they can. Watching the results of hard-working students provide motivation for teachers as well. If you are looking for quality, classroom-tested earth science activities, check out my store.
These maps have been used in my classroom again this year and have produced amazing products that demonstrate understanding from students. If topographic maps are not part of your curriculum now, perhaps geologic time or dinosaurs are a part of your curriculum.
Browse around my store (Midnight Star) and you are likely to find something perfect to use in your classroom. May all of you have a great start to your school year; mine has started off brilliantly!